Sagittarius SZN! Bow and arrow armed adventurers, they can spear their own boundless optimism with ease and grace. Risky business is their game, with spit-fire fuelled boldness, unadulterated passion and synergistic energy. Jupiter’s alluring intensity is the stick with which they measure themselves. Quite possibly audaciously lousy with free-spirited ideals, however turquoise, tanzanite and amethyst more so match the pleated pastel armour of their curious souls. Carnations sprout wildly from glowing, ever growing minds, thriving in their own untended universe. Place a pitcher next to a picture and admire them into eternity. To honour them we introduce a buzzy pink bubble to enliven, a polished, bite of fresh snow Chablis, a waxy and lanolin afflicted skin contact & a burnt sage cherry blaster red to shoot you into next year.
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